40 weeks is Pregnancy

Current Week is calculated from Last Menstrual Period that is received from User at the time of Signup



Upcoming Scans

8th week Dating scan

12th week NT Scan

20-24th week Anomaly Scan

28th -32nd week Growth Scan


Daily Trackers

Diet– Entered by User

Medicine-Entered by User

Exercise-Entered by user 

Symptoms– Filled by user

Medical Details-Filled by User

Contraction Counter-Filled by user


Knowledge Base– Recorded session content are prepared and videos are generated by Professionals like Midwife, Physiotherapist,Psycologist,Dietian and Birth Educators

Reference- https://shebirth.com/contact-us/


Every Content in the app are curated by Healthcare Professionals. Our content is meticulously researched and referenced, with citations and links to reputable sources such as medical journals, government health agencies, and academic institutions. We are committed to providing you with trustworthy information that you can rely on. Please note that while Shebirth-Sukh Prasavam offers valuable information, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice.